Pathagoras lets you assign a
list of multiple choice terms to a simple variable. We call the simple variable an 'alias.' We
call the long list of terms a "MultiChoice *List*".
The alias can be placed into your source documents just any other
variable. The exception is that the alias is surrounded by "*" (asterisks).
It is the asterisks that signal Pathagoras that the proper MultiChoice *List* needs to be consulted to get the actual multiple choice values for the variable.
When it is time to personalize the document, you would call up the
InstantDatabase screen in the normal fashion (Alt-D). When the page is scanned, the entire list optional terms will be displayed in a dropdown list for your selection, alongside the other variables within the document.
The Help System fully
describes the setup and use of MultiChoice *Lists* at this link:
MultiChoice *Lists*.
Below are MultiChoice *Lists* that we offer for your use. You can
copy and paste any or all of them into your *list* collection. Just
highlight the text and copy it to your clipboard. (Don't worry about the
'broken' words you may see in the list. That is a function of how html
displays.) Then, following the instructions found when you have the
MultiChoice editing screen displayed in Word, create an alias name
(your choice) in the left column of the MultiChoice *Lists* table, and paste what you have
copied from below into the table in the right column.
TIP: The 50 United States and their respective capitals are already part of your demo data put in place when you installed Pathagoras.
You can see them with no further steps on your part by typing
onto your editing screen [*States*] and [*Capitals*]. Press Alt-G and then scan.
(If you want the States and Capitals lists to change in tandem with one another as you make selection, preface each with a groupname.
E.g., [!S!*States*] and [!S!*Capitals*]
We solicit any list that you may create for
inclusion in the below table. Simply copy and paste the list into an
email addressed to and we will add it to this page so that others
may benefit..
MultiChoice *Lists* for you to download:
United States:
Hampshire/New Jersey/New Mexico/New York/North Carolina/North
Dakota/ Ohio/Oklahoma/Oregon/Pennsylvania/Rhode Island/South
Carolina/South Dakota/Tennessee/Texas/Utah/Vermont/Virginia/Washington/West
United States Capitals:
Moines/Topeka/Frankfort/Baton Rouge/Augusta/
Annapolis/Boston/Lansing/St. Paul/Jackson/Jefferson
City/Helena/Lincoln/Carson City/ Concord/Trenton/Santa
Fe/Albany/Raleigh/Bismarck/Columbus/Oklahoma City/
Salem/Harrisburg/Providence/Columbia/Pierre/Nashville/Austin/Salt Lake
City/ Montpelier/Richmond/Olympia/Charleston/Madison/Cheyenne
United States, with proper 'a/an' article
(e.g., "a Florida corporation")
an Alabama/an Alaska/an Arkansas/an Arizona/a
California/a Colorado/a Connecticut/a Delaware/a Florida/ a
Georgia/a Hawaii/an Idaho/an Illinois/an Indiana/an Iowa/a
Kentucky/a Louisiana/a Maine/a Maryland/ a Massachusetts/a
Michigan/a Minnesota/a Mississippi/a Missouri/a Montana/a Nebraska/a
Nevada/a New Hampshire/a New Jersey/a New Mexico/a New York/a North
Carolina/a North Dakota/an Ohio/an Oklahoma/an Oregon/a
Pennsylvania/a Rhode Island/a South Carolina/a South Dakota/a
Tennessee/a Texas/a Utah/a Vermont/a Virginia/a Washington/a West
Virginia/a Wisconsin/a Wyoming
World Countries (English):
Continents (English):
America/South America
Major Cities in United States (top 50
by population):
New York, New York/Los
Angeles, California/Chicago, Illinois/Houston, Texas/Phoenix,
Arizona/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/San Antonio, Texas/San Diego,
California/Dallas, Texas/San Jose City, California/Detroit,
Michigan/Jacksonville, Florida/Indianapolis, Indiana/San Francisco,
California/Columbus, Ohio/Austin, Texas/Memphis, Tennessee/Fort
Worth, Texas/Baltimore, Maryland/Charlotte, North Carolina/El Paso,
Texas/Boston, Massachusetts/Seattle, Washington/Washington,
D.C./Milwaukee, Wisconsin/Denver, Colorado/Louisville, Kentucky/Las
Vegas, Nevada/Nashville, Tennessee/Oklahoma City, Oklahoma/Portland,
Oregon/Tucson, Arizona/Albuquerque, New Mexico/Atlanta, Georgia/Long
Beach, California/Fresno, California/Sacramento, California/Mesa,
Arizona/Kansas City, Missouri/Cleveland, Ohio/Virginia Beach,
Virginia/Omaha, Nebraska/Miami, Florida/Oakland, California/Tulsa,
Oklahoma/Honolulu, Hawaii/Minneapolis, Minnesota/Colorado Springs,
Colorado/Arlington, Texas/Wichita, Kansas
New York Counties
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavors (past
and present) (Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream is a trademark of Ben &
Jerry’s Homemade, Inc., and all names noted by trademarks below are
the property of Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc.)
Aloha Macadamia/American Apple Pie™ /Apple Crumble/Apple
Pie/Apricot/Aztec Harvest Coffee/Banana/Banana Strawberry/Banana
Wild Whirl/Black Raspberry Yogurt/Black Russian/Blackberry
Cobbler/Blond Brownie Sundae/Blueberry/Blueberry Cheesecake/Bluesberry/Bluesberry
Yogurt/Bovinity Divinity/Candy Bar Crunch/Cantaloupe/Capecodder/Cappuccino
Chocolate Chunk/Caramel Chew Chew/Chai Tea Latte Smoothie/Cherry
Amour/Cherry Chocolate/Cherry Garcia?/Cherry Garcia? Low Fat Frozen
Yogurt/Cherry Vanilla/Choco Mint Cow/Chocolate Almond/Chocolate
Almond Fudge/Chocolate Amaretto/Chocolate Amaretto Moose/Chocolate
Caramel Chunk/Chocolate Caramel Turtle/Chocolate Cherry
Garcia?/Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough /Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Light/Chocolate Chocolate Chip/Chocolate Chocolate Cookie/Chocolate
Cointreau Fudge/Chocolate Cointreau Orange/Chocolate
Comfort/Chocolate For A Change/Chocolate Fudge/Chocolate Fudge
Brownie™ /Chocolate Fudge Brownie™ Light/Chocolate
Gingersnap/Chocolate Hazelnut Swirl/Chocolate Heath? Bar
Crunch/Chocolate Mint & Cookies Light/Chocolate Mystic
Mint/Chocolate Orange
Fudge/Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Dough/Chocolate Peanut Butter
Truffle/Chocolate Raspberry/Chocolate Raspberry Fudge
Swirl/Chocolate Raspberry Swirl/Chocolate Raspberry
Truffle/Chocolate Swiss Chocolate Almond/Chocolate w/ Fudge
Almonds/Chunky Choc Choc Mousse/Chunky Monkey?/Cinnamon/Coconut
Almond/Coconut Cream Pie/Coconut Milk Chocolate Almond/Coffee &
Biscotti/Coffee Almond Fudge/Coffee Almond Fudge Light/Coffee
Biscotti/Coffee English Toffee Crunch/Coffee etc./Coffee For A
Change/Coffee Fudge/Coffee Fudge Yogurt/Coffee Hazelnut Swirl/Coffee
Heath Bar Crunch?/Coffee Toffee Crunch/Concession Obsession/Cool
Britannia/Cranberry Orange/Dastardly Mash/Deep Dark
Chocolate/Devil’s Food Chocolate/Doonesbury/Double Chocolate Fudge
Swirl/Economic Crunch/Egg Nog/English Toffee Crunch/Entangled
Mints/Ethan Almond/Festivus/French Vanilla/Fresh Georgia Peach/From Russia with
Buzz/Fudge Behaving Badly UK/Ginger Snap/Grape Nut/Grapefruit
Ice/Half Baked?/Half Baked? Frozen Yogurt/Hazelnut/Heath? Bar
Crunch/Heath? Bar Light/Hershey Park Peanut Butter Cup/Holy Cannoli/Honey
Apple Raisin Walnut/Honey Vanilla/Honey, I'm Home/Hunka Burnin'
Fudge/Island Paradise/Jerry's Jubilee/KaBerry KaBOOM!/Kaffaretto/Kahlua
Amaretto/Karelia Krunch/Kiwi Midori/Lemon Blueberry Cobbler/Lemon
Cobbler/Lemon Daiquiri Ice/Lemon Peppermint Carob Chip/Lemon
Swirl/Lemon Twist/Lemony Limeny/Macadamia Nut/Makin' Whoopie
Pie/Malted Milk Ball/Mandarin Chocolate/Mandarin Ice/Mango/Mango
Lime Sorbet/Maple Grape Nut/Marble Mint Chip/Marguerita Lime/Marguerita
Lime Ice/Milk Chocolate Almond/Miller Family Malt/Mint Chocolate
Fudge Swirl/Mint Fudge Swirl/Mint W/ Cookies/Mint with Oreo Cookie/Miz
Jelena's Sweet Potato Pie/Mocha/Mocha Chunk/Mocha Fudge/Mocha
Latt?Mocha Swiss Chocolate Almond/Mocha Walnut/Monkey
Wrench/Natural Vanilla/New York Super Fudge
Chunk?/No Sugar Added Vanilla/Nutcracker Suite/Nutty Waffle Cone/Oh
Pear/One Sweet Whirled/Ooey Gooey Cake/Orange & Cream/Orange
Cream/P. B. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough/Passion Fruit
Smooch/Peach/Peach Melba/Peach Raspberry Trifle/Peanut Butter &
Jelly/Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk/Peanut Butter Cookie
Dough/Peanut Butter Cup™ /Peanut Butter Me Up/Peanut
Turtles/Peanuts! Popcorn!/Pecan Pie/Peppermint Cow/Peppermint
Schtick/Phish Food? Frozen Yogurt/Pina Colada/Pink Lemonade/Praline
Pecan/Pulp Addiction/Purple Passionfruit/Rachel's Brownie/Rainforest
Crunch/Raspberry/Raspberry Cheesecake/Raspberry Gone
Coconuts/Raspberry Ice/Raspberry Renewal Smoothie/Reverse Chocolate
Chunk/Reverse Chocolate Chunk Light/Rockin' Road/Root Beer Float My
Boat/Rootbeer Float My Boat/Rum Raisin/S.N.A.F.U. Strawberries
Naturally All Fudged Up/Sambucca Chocolate Chunk/Sambucca Coffee
Flake/Skor Bar/S'mores/Southern Peach/Southern Pecan
Pie/Strawberry/Strawberry Banana Smoothie/Strawberry Ice/Strawberry
Light/Strawberry Rhubarb/Strawberry Yogurt/Sugar Plum/Sweet
Cream/Sweet Cream & Cookie/Sweet Cream & Cookie Light/Sweet Cream
with Oreo/Sweet Potato Pie/Tennessee Mud/That's Life Apple Pie/The Full
VerMonty/This is Nuts/Toffee Cookie Crunch/Totally Nuts/Tropic of
Mango Smoothie/Tuskegee
Chunk/Urban Jumble/Vanilla & Chocolate Mint Patty/Vanilla
Bean/Vanilla Brownie/Vanilla Chocolate Chunk/Vanilla For A
Change/Vanilla For A Change Yogurt/Vanilla Fudge/Vanilla Fudge
Brownie/Vanilla Light/Vanilla M&M/Vanilla Malted Milk/Vanilla Swiss
Almond/Vanilla Swiss Chocolate Almond/Vanilla Swiss Chocolate Almond
Light/Vanilla w/ Heath Toffee Crunch/Vanilla with Kit Kat/Wavy
Gravy/White Russian/Wild Maine Blueberry/World's Best?
Chocolate/World's Best? Chocolate Yogurt
120 point scale (160 to 40) Raw Numbers (Corresponding percentiles
in next table)
160/159/158/157/156/155/154/153/152/151/150/149/148/147/146/145/144/143/142/141/140/ 139/138/137/136/135/134/133/132/131/130/129/128/127/126/125/124/123/122/121/120/119/ 118/117/116/115/114/113/112/111/110/109/108/107/106/105/104/103/102/101/100/99/98/97/ 96/95/94/93/92/91/90/89/88/87/85/85/84/83/82/81/80/79/78/77/76/75/74/73/72/71/70/69/68/ 67/66/65/64/63/62/61/60/59/58/57/56/55/54/53/52/51/50/49/48/47/46/45/44/43/42/41/40
120 point scale (160 to 40) Percentiles
(Corresponding raw value in previous table)
>99.99/>99.99/>99.99/>99.99/>99.99/99.99/99.98/99.98/99.97/99.97/99.96/99.95/99.93/ 99.91/99.90/99.87/99.83/99.79/99.74/99.69/99.62/99.53/99.3/99.3/99.1/99.0/99./99./98./ 98./97.7/97./97./96./96./95.0/95./94./93./92./91./90.0/88./87./86./84.13/82./81./79./77./75.0/ 73./70.0/68./66./63./61./58./55.0/53./50.0/47./45./42./39./37./34./32./30./27./25./23./21./ 19./16./15./14./13./12./10./9./8./7./6./5./5./4./4./3./3./2.3/2./2./1./1./1./1./.7/.7/0.47/0.38/0.31/ 0.26/0.21/0.17/0.13/0.11/0.09/0.07/0.05/0.04/0.03/0.03/0.02/0.02/.01/<.01/<.01/<.01/<.01/<.01
"Cascading" {*Options*} Lists
You can effectively nest one *List* within another, and obtain a
cascading effect as you move from selection to selection. I.e., you can get Pathagoras to display a series of 'first'
choices. Make a selection and a series of secondary choices (as opposed to
an ultimate answer) will appear. Depending upon the number of dependencies, will can eventually cascade your way down to a final choice.
The following table of items will demonstrate this 'cascading' principle. They can be
quickly added to your MultiChoice
*Lists* so you can try it 'live'.
1. Highlight the text in the table below. To do so, simply place your cursor just
before the number "2" in "20 Questions". Hold the left mouse button down
and drag your cursor to BENEATH the last entry (just below the end of the table).
2. 'Copy' the highlighted text
(using Ctrl-C, or right-click and copy.
3. Return to Word and paste the clipboard contents onto a blank editing screen.
4. {Place your cursor anywhere inside the table.
5. Display your MultiChoice *List* editing screen. (Pathagoras Features | MultiChoice *Lists*.
6. Click 'Add Prepared List' (just like you did for the lists in the top part of this webpage). Press 'Next'.
7. That's it. The table contents will be quickly added to your existing MultiChoice *List* collection. You will get a confirmation as to how many items were added and changed.
To try it out, type {*20Questions*} (use the curley braces to signal "Simple Options" into a document and don't forget the "*" at each end.
Press Alt-G against the closing curley bracket to process the document. Answer the 'questions'.
The nature of the action should be obvious. Note: Not every selection has a cascading value. When a cascading option is not provided, the last selection becomes the answer.)
To learn more about Cascading Options, and what makes them work,
see this page in the Manual.
2 legged/4 legged/Water Mammal
2 legged
Has paws/ Has feet
Has feet
Has hair/Has feathers
Has paws
Has hair
Has feathers
4 legged
Water mammal
Fresh Water/Salt Water
Fresh Water
Salt Water
Grows on trees/Grows on
bush/Grows on ground/Grows in ground
Grows on Trees
Grows on bush
tomato/pole bean/string bean/eggplant
Grows on ground
watermelon/cantelope/honeydew melon/strawberry
Grows in ground