Pathagoras let's you virtually dis-assemble the same name (e.g., "John Q. Doeberg, III"), into its various parts for use in various sections of your document. E.g., you may wish to start the letter with 'Dear John' or 'Dear Mr. Doeberg' as needed without having to create a new variable, or manually edit your document, based on a single presentation of that name. It is done simply by appending an appropriate 'argument' to the base name variable.

So, in one document location, create the 'base' name variable. E.g., [Client Name]

In a second location, create the identical variable, but add the text "(first)" (or other appropriate argument) immediately after the end of the variable name and before the closing bracket. E.g., [Client Name(first)]

When you scan the document with Instant Database, only the base variable will appear on the IDB screen. (We don't want you to type more than you have to.) Provide the desired full name in the adjacent text block on the IDB screen.

When you press the Next button, the variable [Client Name] will of course be replaced with the value provided, but behind the screens, Pathagoras will automatically replace [Client Name(first)], [Client Name(last)], etc., with the appropriately separate part of the name.

Base name completed with the value John Quincy Doeberg, III:

[Name of Client]                    = John Quincy Doeberg, III

  Acceptable arguments (shown in bold, but emphasis not required):

o[Name of Client(first)]     =  John

o[Name of Client(last)]     =  Doeberg

o[Name of Client(middle)]   =  Quincy

o[Name of Client(mi)]   =  Q

o[Name of Client(suff)]     =  III


There should be no space after the last character of the 'real' variable and the 'argument.'

The word Name' somewhere in the variable is mandatory. It can, however appear in upper, lower or mixed case ('NAME OF CLIENT', 'Client Name', 'Full Name of Client', etc.), appropriate to the case you want the variable to appear in the final document. (In the right column of the Instant Database screen, you should always type in 'normal' style (typically upper and lower case).