A ‘clause-set’ is a ‘potential’ complete document. It is (typically) a simple collection of 'pointers’ to previously saved 'building block' text.  

   When a clause-set is called upon, Pathagoras locates the building blocks indicated by the pointers and inserts that text into a new, or into the current, document.

   Clause-sets are ideal for standard documents which involve the selection of identical (or close to identical) clauses each time. For example, a simple 'I Love You Will' or a standard 'Real Estate Purchase Contract' typically contains the same pattern of clauses.

   Whenever you perceive that it is wasting time to repeatedly check off the identical clauses whenever such a document is needed, that's the time to create a clause-set.

   But don't stop there. Clause-sets are very helpful for creating those documents that you rarely need. If you create a 'rare' document and believe it may be difficult for you or another to recall which clauses constitute a 'basic' form of that genre of document, create a clause-set for that one as well.

    Benefits of Clause-sets:

Simple to very complex documents can be pre-created.

Since the building blocks are stored and updated independently from a clause-set, the 'freshest version' of the building blocks will always be called into the final document.

Clause-sets are easily editable. A clause-set is a stored as a simple Word document. As such, it can be recalled, edited and re-edited.

Clause-set can be used within other clause-sets. Very complex document can be constructed through their use.

You can create a clause-set for each possible contingency. You can name your various clause-sets in such a way as to tell the end user which one to select for a specific circumstance. This can mimic the often complex process that 'interview driven' programs such as HotDocs® use to select the proper clauses for assembly.

You can use clause-sets in conjunction with <<*Options*>> blocks to mimic (without the programming complexities) the often challenging process that 'interview driven' programs such as HotDocs® use to assign the proper clauses for assembly. See also Calls to Other Documents for illustrations of how to assign clauses (including clause-sets) to <<*Options*>> blocks.

While not precisely the same, implementation of above can also bring powerful "If . . / Then . . ." logic, including cascading answer groups to your documents. See a further discussion of this at this link.

The 'technical' side of Clause Sets:

   When you create a Clause Set, Pathagoras generates a simple text file stored in the book that contains the names of the clauses/files that you designated as part of the set. Pathagoras simply reads down the list and pours each new document into the document being assembled.

   Caveat: If a template was associated with the book from which the clauses set was drawn, Pathagoras first lays down that template as the 'first' document and then pours the clauses into there. If no template was assigned, Pathagoras uses the first document as the template for the designated clauses.

   If the margins or styles in the second, third, etc., clauses are inconsistent with the margins and styles of the template (or the first) document, you should consider the steps outlined at this link.

   Pathagoras presumes that all clauses are from the same folder. Therefore, full paths to the desired clauses are not required for the set. But if a desired document form the Set is not in that folder, you can manually edit the clause set and insert a full-path reference to a document.

   To edit the Clause Set, just navigate to it in Windows or Word. Open it up as a text document. Add a new row to the table and manually type, in the left column, the full name of the document being added, including path if not in the same folder as the other clauses. (You should add a subject in the right side as well.)