An <<*Options* . . .>> block is a perfect tool for inserting external document text into the document you are currently building. Instead of 'classic' text, as the option between the slashes, use a Document Call. Documents Calls are discussed in greater detail at this link but we offer a short lesson here:

    If the name of a known document is typed (or otherwise brought) onto your editing screen and is enclosed within double angle brackets ('DAB'), Pathagoras will locate that document and insert it's text in place of the Call. (The double angle brackets are not chevrons. Rather, they are plain text double angle brackets. E.g, <<my document>>.,

    So if Pathagoras sees <<my document>> anywhere in the document under construction, it will locate and place the desired text onto the screen precisely where you asked for it. How fast: blink of an eye fast!

   <<*Options* . . . >> blocks. can, as discussed in previous pages, present a wide variety of text choices, from single words and sentences to multiple paragraph and pages. But they can also offer to you a list of Document Calls. This feature opens up a wide range of document assembly possibilities. By properly constructing the <<*Options . . .>>> block, you can pose a simple question to the end user which, when answered, calls in an entire document.

    For example, let's assume the following <<*Options*>> text block resides in the source clause of a letter being written to a purchaser of goods. The purpose of the clause is advise the letter's recipient what the shipping costs would be in various situations. We also assume that 'Full Charge.doc', '20pcnt discount.doc', '50 pcnt discount.doc' and 'Free shipping.doc'' (which you see below as the document names enclosed within the double angle brackets) are existing documents in the our system.

<<*Options(radio)*Order Amount:$0 - $100/$101-$200/$201-$500/$501 + *<<Full charges>>/<<20pcnt discount>>/<<50 pcnt discount>>/<<Free shipping>>>>

     When the above text block is encountered during Pathagoras' top-to-bottom 'processing' of the document, Pathagoras will present onto a pop-up form the prompt text:' "$0 - $100" "$101-$200" "$201-$500" and  "$501 +"  for selection. Make the appropriate selection. Based on that selection, the appropriate <<document name>> value is returned to the screen (albeit only briefly). When Pathagoras rescans the document, it will encounter the DAB text, signalling Pathagoras to find the document and insert its text in place of the <<document name>> entry.

informationA document can be any thing you want. It want be a simple signature block saved out as a document. It can be a multi-page order form. It can be a 100 page document. If Word can handle it, so can Pathagoras.

Following up on the previous section, you can 'fill-in' with a DAB document name. E.g., <<*Options(radio)*Order Amount:$0 - $100/$101-$200/$201-$500/$501 +/user-choice*<<Full charges>>/<<20pcnt discount>>/<<50 pcnt discount>>/<<Free shipping>>/<<Fill-in>>>>

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